A look back on 2020:
The year 2020 is almost finished (ouf). A crazy year with a worldwide pandemic that reminded us of the need for science and the importance of our work (even if it is a small piece). Despite this, the lab has some amazing good news, here is a sample of them:
Our grant « Deciphering Neisseria pathogens cell envelope evolution: optimization for virulence or Achilles’ heel of N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae? » has been partially funded by

March: We received funding to build on our imagery platform (electron microscopy and animal imaging) from:
May: Martin wrote an article on Nightlife about COVID-19 fake news:

June: Martin Chenal (Ph.d. in the lab) got the first place at the INRS contest « Ma thèse en 180s »
July: Our collaboration with Nick Doucet on the genome of Dictyopanus pusillus, the first eukaryote we have sequenced, is out:

August: Our amazing postdoc Antony Vincent got his professor appointment at Université Laval:

September: Our article on Sigma Factor regulation, in collaboration with Marcel Behr, is out:

October: Our scientific article about regulation of Sigma factor activity via methylation of promoters in Leptospira is out:

See press release:

November: 1) Our scientific article about a new compound that selectively kills Neisseria pathogens is out:

2) A press release on that topic and several articles in the media:
3) Eve Bernet (Ph.d. in the lab) received the first prize for her Poster presentation at the JQRSR
4) Our collaboration with Yves St-Pierre about Mycobacteria and mussels is out:
5) Martin Chenal (Ph.d.) in the lab got the second prize at the national final of « Ma thèse en 180s » (3 minute thesis)
6) 3 students from the lab (Ève Bernet, Martin Chenal, Juan Guerra) officially completed their M.Sc. and obtained their diploma. Two of them (Ève and Martin) are staying with us for a PhD.
December: I got my tenure associate prof promotion !!!! and Our article CAPRIB is out: