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D-3 before the relocation…


Monthly TB meetings

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FredOn Wednesday our group was presenting our last results to the  McGill International TB Center at the Glenn.
Great discussions (and a lot of beers) have followed with a lot of new ideas!!!

New Research trainee and future M.Sc. student in the lab.

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Today we welcome Marc-André Hamelin from La Cité Collegiale working on antibacterial compounds!



Portes ouvertes à l’INRS

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Vous souhaitez poursuivre des études à la maîtrise ou au doctorat? Vous êtes à la recherche d’un projet ou d’un stage de recherche? L’environnement, les technologies avancées, la santé, les sciences sociales vous intéressent? Nos prochaines portes ouvertes auront lieu le 17 novembre 2015, de 18 h à 21 h.

Plus d’informations ici


New research trainee!

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Today the lab welcomes Vincent Charron-Lamoureux from USherbrooke! Good luck for your project in collab. with Jonathan Perreault on non-coding small RNA in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

vincent Update: Congratulations for the successful application to the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award!

M. Sc. and Ph.D studentships

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Studentships are available in the lab for motivated students with bioinformatics and molecular microbiology skills to study the evolution of Neisseria meningitidis and how this bacterium behave with co-habitants of the nasopharynx.

Please contact Frédéric Veyrier


Départ Arthur

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Fin de stage pour Arthur :-(.

Deux mois bien rentabilisés à créer des mutants! Bonne chance pour la suite et merci pour ton beau boulot!



Article in serious science by Pablo

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Another article in Serious science about our work here. Journalist: Pablo Morales!

Latest news INRS

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They speack about us here.

On parle de nous ici en Français.

in spanish here

and in polish here 🙂

Common Cell Shape Evolution of Two Nasopharyngeal Pathogens

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Our article is now accessible in open access (PLoS Genetics) here. In this paper we described how, at least two nasopharyngeal pathogens, (Neisseria meningitidis and Moraxella catarrhalis) evolved from a rod to a coccus cell-shape. This asks a lot of question on the importance of cell-shape in the colonisation of different ecological niches in particular the one located in our body. To be continued !

serious science