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Welcome to Eve Bernet, Hugo Randanne and Estelle Anceaume

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DSC_0041Today, we welcome Eve Bernet and Hugo Randanne two new research trainee from France (DUT Biologie d’Auvergne)

Welcome and great success for your respective projects on the anti-neisseria compounds in collaboration with S. Laplante and in Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell wall evolution.

We welcome also Estelle Anceaume from M.Sc. Imagerie Cellulaire, Université de Rouen-France. Great success for your project related to the management of the Electron Microscopy platform.

A lot of new energy!


Two great news today.

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Today is a greatly intense day like you have only once in a year in research.

Our grant called « Bacterial Cell-Wall Evolution » just get accepted by NSERC  and the article « Evolutionary events associated with an outbreak of meningococcal disease in men who have sex with men » also.


Welcome to Sarah Ouali

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DSC_0022Today, we welcome Sarah Ouali a New Research trainee from France (DUT Chimie d’Auvergne)

Welcome and great success for your project on the anti-neisseria compounds in collaboration with S. Laplante and A. Castonguay.

DNA exchange between nasopharyngeal pathogens.

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Another good news, the article of our collaborator Alastaire McEwan just get accepted in Frontiers in Microbiology. We describe the exchange of nmlR-adhC-estD locus between two well-known nasopharyngeal pathogens (Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria menigitidis).

You can see the draft here.

New M. Sc. Student

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Today, we welcome Marthe Lebughe (MD) a New M.Sc. student from RDC and a PCBF fellow.

Welcome and great success for your project on the nasopharyngeal microbiota.


Réseau en Santé Respiratoire du FRQS (RSR)

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Many thanks to the RSR-FRSQ for selecting our project (Bacterial symbionts adaptation to the human respiratory tract) for the « Programme de mentorat des jeunes chercheurs » !



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D-3 before the relocation…
